OK, you have no idea how difficult this is to type. I have a closely guarded secret. Well, it's not that close there are plenty of people in my life who know this secret, but there are plenty of people who do not as well. (insert really long pause as it is taking me a long time to type the next part). My next birthday is a biggie. A milestone. A halfway mark. A top of the hill mark, or maybe sliding down the other side of the hill depending on how you look at it. It doesn't feel that nifty. It's fifty. FIFTY????? OH. MY. GOD. I remember when my outlaws turned 50. They were OLD! I think my mother and father were always over 50 because they were always OLD. That can't be me. Can it? No! I keep recounting and it always comes up with the same number. I'm turning f-f-f-f-fifty next year. Actually in about 9 months from now. Nine months. Interesting. Which gets me to thinking ...

It took nine months for me to grow and be born. If I worked on the physical me for nine months what would happen? Would I get younger? Sadly, no. 50 is still going to show up. Let's face it I could lose a few pounds. Really to get that monkey off my back once and for all would be fantastic. But it's more than that. I want to be fit. I want to be strong. I want to be healthy. So it's not diet for me. It's my road to healthier and fabulous! I want to walk down the street when I'm 50 thinking "Damn, I look good." That's how I felt when I turned 40 and it made the transition much easier. I would like to feel that way again. So this is my immaculate conception. My idea has germinated, but I'm not sure into what. I'm mulling.

I need ideas. Really I do. I would love to hear from you. Send me an e-mail if you don't want to post here. Or post anonymously.

I would like ideas on small weekly changes that work into something significant as they accumulate. For instance:

  1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
  2. Drink 1 cup of green tea per day
  3. Go to the bathroom 30 times per day. (that's a joke people because of #1 and #2, which is yet another joke)

As with the 4 Week challenge for groceries I am willing to post updates often. Tell you about the ups and downs. Funny things that happen along the way, which I'm sure there will be plenty of. I am not going to post my weight people so you can just forget about that one. Nor will there be a contest to guess it either. That's just nasty.

I am not giving up my preservative free diet, or natural way of living folks. Believe me. There will still be posts on that subject, not to worry. But, I really enjoyed the 4 week grocery challenge. Being accountable to you all was inspiring to me and kept me on track. So I'm hoping that being public with this little nugget of information may help me as well. Maybe some of you would like to join me on this journey to 50.

Each week I'll post a new small change' to my lifestyle (and I need ideas and encouragement from you!) and we'll see how it goes from there. Let's see if little changes really do add up to something big. What do you think? Should I give it a go? Let me know.